On the freaky model world of the Dollomites; plus—more lucid dreaming and a roundup of recent favorites.
Curious what your reading recommendations would be for Systems Thinking? I have a copy of the Donella Meadows book, anything more recent? What was in the estate sale?
> One of these volumes, The Book of the Queen’s Doll’s House, contains a fascinatingly weird essay by the engineer Mervyn O’Grady
Typo for 'O'Gorman', I think, looking at https://archive.org/details/bookofqueensdoll00unse/page/n86/mode/1up
Yep, you're right! This is why writers need editors. Fixed.
What a great essay!
Curious what your reading recommendations would be for Systems Thinking? I have a copy of the Donella Meadows book, anything more recent? What was in the estate sale?
> One of these volumes, The Book of the Queen’s Doll’s House, contains a fascinatingly weird essay by the engineer Mervyn O’Grady
Typo for 'O'Gorman', I think, looking at https://archive.org/details/bookofqueensdoll00unse/page/n86/mode/1up
Yep, you're right! This is why writers need editors. Fixed.
What a great essay!