I enjoyed the piece but I wonder about this line: "This “neural resource allocation problem” may prevent us from ever becoming cyborgs." Here I am thinking about the work of disabled scholars and theorists who identify as cyborgs already (such as Jillian Weise): https://www.wired.com/story/cyborg-brain-mind-pandemic-philosophy/

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Good point—"cyborg" may be the wrong word. Thanks for the reference. Although our brains may not be able to take on additional limbs without sacrificing control of existing limbs, there seems to be quite a bit of cognitive flexibility when it comes to what form those existing limbs can take, so long as the input they provide our brains plugs into existing sensorimotor loops. I get into that a little in the Pioneer Works piece—the idea of "soft" embodiment. Still lots more to learn though.

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Dec 29, 2021·edited Dec 29, 2021

no prob and definitely super interesting topic! very interesting newsletter, as always!

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